Terms of Use
This website provides you high quality photos on hundreds of different subjects
at zero cost.
Some of the pictures on this site are in public domain (copyright-free). Others
are copyright-protected. However, all are free and can be used for all personal
and commercial purposes. You can use these pictures in your projects, books,
articles, e-books, emails, blogs and even in your websites.
You can share these pictures with your friends and can use them as wallpapers.
While using the pictures, please make sure that the following conditions are
1. The pictures should not be used for any illegal purpose.
2. While using the pictures for any printed or electronic media (books, blogs,
website, etc) please give due credit to the concerned photographer/publisher
on/under each photo used (Example: Image by BeautifulFreePictures.com).
3. Please do not use these pictures for making a photo gallery of your own.
4. Please be discreet in using the pictures with identifiable human faces, so
that it is not considered by someone as infringement of his/her privacy.
5. Please take extra care in the use of pictures with trademarks/logos. They are
the intellectual property of someone.
6. A small number of pictures are in the private collection. Therefore, the
facility of downloading them by right-clicking on them has been withheld. Please
do not try to copy them.
7. If you have any doubts about the use of these pictures, or want to use them
for a purpose not specified above, or find it difficult to fulfill the requisite
conditions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We freely grant permission for
use of our pictures for all genuine purposes.